A lot of my work over the years, whether for shows or for hire, has been rather labor intensive. For example, the series Becky involved lugging around a large 4x5 camera, a very heavy tripod, and the multitude of stuff needed to capture an image on a piece of 4x5 film. Once the image was captured, it was into the darkroom for hours, inhaling nasty chemicals, and turning into a creature that’s slightly afraid of the light.

Although it may sound like I am complaining, I actually love the process. There's not much I love more than a beautiful hand printed photograph. That said, sometimes I can get pretty wrapped up in the process and loose sight of the story.

This series was about taking a more casual approach toward creating images. My approach with this series was to focus on simplicity and spontaneity while also maintaining a bit of WTF as I wandered around with a camera in hand and a three foot doll under my arm.